The rules:
It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have fun! Don't forget to post it!
1. What is your name: ZetyZin
2. Four letter word: Zone
3. A boy's name: Zack hero Azura :P
4. A girl's name: Zakiah
5. An occupation: Zookeeper
6. A color: Zimbobwayla - (a dark yellow almost gold) - interesting kan? refer kat sini.
7. Something you'll wear: Zoot suit
8. A food: Zucchini?
9. Something found in the bathroom: Zebra print toilet seat. Ekekeke.
10. A place: Zimbabwe?
11. A reason for being late: Zzzzz overdose.
12. Something you'd shout: Zass!!
13. A movie title: Zodiac
14. Something you drink: Zappel
15. A musical group: ZZ Top (Mak pon tatau pasal group ni. Mak tanya Uncle Google sajork)
16. An animal: Zebra
17. A street: Zirkon 7
18. A type of car: Z8 BMW

Mak la ni yang bawak keta nih! Hahaha.
Memang susah okeh. Nak tag saper ek? Sila lah rujuk nama anda di bloglist. 20 orang pertama itulah dia. Hihihi.
mak org no 2 dalam blog list.. tp hang ngelat! kekeke..
BMW tu mmg tak tahannn..
nsb baik nama aku de dlm list. nk gak la wt.. kui3
wah2, diriku no 14 dlm list tue... kire halal laa ehh... kuikui...
arghh, 'tergolek' baca color start dgn hurf z itu... wakaka.. :p
wah, aku nombor 20. termasukkah?
CY: Hehehehe. Kes malas nak senaraikan. Hahaha.
Rose zan: Buat jgn tak buat! :P
Arnie: Hahaha. Mak pon tergelak masa mencari nama kaler tu. Entah wujud ke dah pon tak sure laaa....
Umi Sufira: Kalau ko nak wat apa salahnye. ngehngehngeh.
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